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Social Enterprise Humber

Social Enterprise Humber is an informal network of organisations that are interested in developing the social economy. Despite the name, we have members from outside of the Humber area and we also welcome involvement from the public and private sectors.


In addition to our quarterly networking events - where we cover topics requested by the membership and bring in guest speakers from across the sector - we also offer monthly lunchtime briefings on hot topics and several masterclasses dealing with a wide range of subjects that our membership tell us are important to them. A full list is available by pressing the button below. All programmes operate on a "first come-first served" basis. All events are on hold as a result of the pandemic but we will be starting them again as soon as possible.

Membership for this year is free of charge and past members of the network have been re-joined and will receive all updates and information.


If you want to register to join us simply use the form below to send us your details












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